A Contemplative Approach

lifting the cultural gaze toward a new shelter of belonging

from the INSIDEout

Transformation takes place at the great hinges of time - like ours where everything about us is fundamentally changing.
— Anne Hillman, Awakening the Energies of Love: Discovering fire for the second time

Uncertain times

We are living through another Western cultural turning point. Global social, economic, and climate conditions are challenging the deeply held assumptions that shape Western identity, purpose, values, and belonging in the world. The implications of such a turning point inspire some. Many, however, find the implications confusing at best and overwhelming at worst. Cultural turning points may seem daunting, yet the process is not to be feared for it is part and parcel of the sacred work of being human. The question is, “Will we choose to engage with or fight against the sacred task of transitioning from one cultural shelter of belonging (mindset) to another?”

A contemplative stance

listening for inner wisdom’s invitation toward authentic living

The sacred task of lifting the cultural gaze toward a new shelter of belonging is more than an intellectual exercise, it is a collective spiritual venture. This venture encourages personal participation from each of us. Participation requires a contemplative stance, that is, a gentle yet courageous process of inner exploration within the context of current knowledge, beliefs, and global conditions; all the while listening for inner wisdom’s stirrings toward authentic living at this time. A contemplative stance draws from and flows back into daily life enabling us to become the change we want to see in the world (Gandhi) by changing our way of being in the world.

Contemplative Practice

The following contemplative practices nurture, sustain, challenge, and pave the way for personal participation in the shared sacred adventure of reimagining a new cultural mindset for today’s world.  

Read more about contemplative practice:

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